Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am thankful for...

A faith that is certain.

A husband that always provides, who loves me and encourages me and works so hard to keep his promises.

My precious children and how it feels when they climb into my lap even when they are too big and they have to fold in two to fit.

A home that is warm and cozy and a place I can unwind even when it isn't as clean as I would like it to be.

A job working with children, playing, laughing and doing what I can to help our family financially.

The written word that I love so well.

Friends that I can call anytime, that have been there for the good, and the bad. The ones I think of and they make me smile.

All the little luxuries in life like hot chocolate, cozy socks, a fire in the fireplace, and dinner warm in the kitchen.

My family that I am blessed with, my mom who is my best friend, my nana that hugs me a little tighter, a little longer to remind me that we are connected forever in our hearts, my cousins that I can laugh with until I feel my lungs will explode, my dad and my uncle's deep voices and contagious laughter, my aunt's sweet face, my cousins babies that I hope will know how special our family is.

My freedom in this country. It is astounding. Truly.

This year, I give thanks. There are too many things to name, and for that I am thankful.