Well, the week is quickly flying by. We had Avery's birthday and a sleepover, a trip to Chuck E Cheese, it's been busy!
I am SOOOO excited, this weekend a friend and fellow homeschooling mom and I are going to a teacher workshop. Going to a teacher workshop for me is my husband's equivelant to spending a whole day at Best Buy or Home Depot. Anyways, this looks so cool so let me share! We are going to the Ft. Worth Zoo to a workshop called Project Wild. Here is a list of the workshops available, Project Wild is listed about halfway.
They all offer credit hours and the lessons are designed to teach the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Science requirements. Awesome!! And this is right up Trace's alley! They also have really fun events like a 1/2 price homeschool day and a Zoo Run. Check it out here.
We also got a year membership to the Ft. Worth Musuem of Science, only my and Trace's most favorite place in the world!! The membership is awesome b/c you can get yourself plus 5 people in free, any 5 guests you like. You also get discounts on Omni and the Planetarium, so that's very cool. Taking your kiddo to the Science Museum is such a win win situation. You get to do something fun together, and they use reading, math, critical thinking, observation skills, even writing with the new Paleontologist Exhibit, and best of all: hands on experiementing!! It's like a great big school day all wrapped up into one. Anyways, for a brief list of what we have been doing today and this week in general:
Literature-Five in A Row-Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. (Love this-they made the poem into a children's book with beautiful illustrations.) We are now reading a lot of poetry including Mom reading over and over and OVER Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll while Trace acts it out. This has very hard vocabulary, but Trace is obsessed with it right now and nearly has it memorized.
History-Pioneer Times-Still studying the Pioneers and watching the Little House on the Praire which has turned into a regular family time. We are all addicted. We are planning a visit to the Log Cabin Village in Ft. Worth. (Avery pointed out this morning that Shrek uses an outhouse JUST LIKE the pioneers. What a coincidence!)
Reading/Writing- We are just doing daily Journal and our Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, along with Trace reading Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel. (Not to mention Trace's extra practice of writing his name 25 times for not obeying.) Also Trace is helping make the grocery list, picking out meal plans and I will purchase anything-within reason-he correctly spells on the grocery list. Right now he has added gum and poptarts. What can I say? I am willing to trade breakfast junk food for my son's eager participation in writing and spelling.
Bible Study-Using the Character Supplement and Bible Study Guide with the Five in A Row.
Chapter Book: Almost done with Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!! I promised to take them to see the movie when we finish!!!
Okay, I'm a blabbermouth, enough already! Off to un-school some more!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
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