Monday, January 30, 2006

Enough to Make Me Crazy!!

Well, the weekend was busy and good. Now we are back to Monday once again. Today we began a little later again....(I wonder how many other homeschoolers have trouble starting on time?) but I am in a battle within myself because I think that part of the benefits of schooling your children at home is that you do not have to have a rigid schedule like in public school. Those schedules are created to encompass all the required learning i.e. math, reading, science, etc. and fit in bathroom breaks, walks down the hall, recess, lunch and so on. We get down to the nitty gritty of it, and have the luxury of one on one so lessons go faster. But on the same token, I want to instill a sense of responsibility in my children at a young age, that life requires you to schedule yourself in many ways....that is the challenge. But I am ready!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, I really miss you! Secondly, even though we haven't started truly homeschooling, I think you should definitely take advantage of the flexibility. In the long run, I think it will show your children how to be flexible and structured at the same time.